Saturday, February 28, 2009

first attempt of writing blog. thanks to Madam Yaya

assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh..

as this is my first attempt writing in my own blog, i would like to thank to our beloved lecturer, mdm yaya, who had assigned us to create our own blog so we can complete our journal before the due date given.. it is such an amazing experience because without the journal (that we have to submit it via our blog), i don't think i will create a blog under my own email address, my own password and of course my own name=) perhaps, with this journal, i can write anything that i want to regarding our journal, which it is taken from a novel entitle 'The Merlion and The Hibiscus'. It consists 19 short stories inside it and that's needs me (and also my classmates of DECom 3 A) to explore every part of it. i hope all of us can manage to complete all the task given so we can get the perfect score in this subject.. that's all for now.. Thank You Madam =)