Thursday, March 5, 2009

Compare and contrast between The Interview by Gopal Baratham and The Empire of The Sun directed by Steven Spielberg

Between a short story entitle The Interview by Gopal Baratham and a movie directed by Steven Spielberg, Empire of The Sun there is a basic similarity, which, it is obviously about a life and how to survive during World war 2 as the both main character being the prisoner of Japanese army. As in the Empire of The Sun, the character inside it, James Graham, known as Jamie a young subtle acts of defiance against authority and show his braveveness through an expeditions that left older men in awe. It is the fact that a little boy could irritate a general so much. Jamie is doing anything in order to survive in that prisoner camp. Meanwhile, inside the story written by Gopal Baratham, The Interview, Brigadier Mason, the main character play quit a similar character with Jamie, but in a different way. If Jamie do any works to gain food and to survive himself, even have to work with Brasie, a little bit older man than Jamie, in order to have a comfort life at the worst place, Mason being a friend with an interragator. Also, on that time, he needs foods and drinks to survive. It is Mason's necessary when he being the prisoner on that time, without think about other so much, unlike Jamie. All he think is about those kind of stuff so he do not dying in starving and hungriness. Both of the main character still show a great act but as i mention before in a different way. As for me, i adore Jamie's character so much as he could survive in his young age. I don't know what will happen if I was the boy on that time. His courage in order to survive should be great example for youth today, and of course, for me as well.

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